We are developing fridge-sized mini farms for your local restaurants and gardens. Localised food production with quality control from seed to freshly cut vegetables in your plate. Enabling an year round availability of your favourite veggies. The farms are entirely human-free and as easy to instruct as a microwave. Currently, we are collaborating with urban farmers and local food production enthusiasts in Milwaukee to learn more about their motivations and operations.

CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) utilises sophisticated indoor farms to optimise hydroponic practises. While there have been consistent efforts for preciser resource consumption by traditional farms/greenhouses, such systems offer an unparalleled productivity. In recent years, CEA-based vertical farms have transitioned from experiments to neccessity for ensuring food security in countries like Singapore, and even Japan. Its the only way forward, as traditional agricultural practises becomes unsustainable to feed our rapidly growing population.

Some emotive pictures of one of the first urban farms we collaborated with!

Digvijay (me, the chief farmer) on the farmmmm!

Many years back on my ancestral farm!